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br Conclusions We implemented the scattering
Conclusions We implemented the scattering-integral-based full waveform inversion (FWI) concept presented in Schumacher et al. [11] in form of the modularized software package ASKI—Analysis of Sensitivity and Kernel Inversion. In gnrh agonists to monolithic software realizations of FWI, which ar
Introducci n br Caracter sticas estructurales del sistema en
Introducción Características estructurales del sistema energético nacional El funcionamiento del sistema energético nacional se gestó desde las décadas de 1970 y 1980. En ese marco jurídico e institucional, correspondió al Estado, en exclusividad, el manejo de las actividades centrales de los su
Estamos ante nuevos hitos complejas y tensas convivencias en
Estamos ante nuevos hitos, complejas y tensas convivencias entre política y democracia, Estado y mercado, economía y sociedad. En un primer momento, los descalabros financieros convirtieron en anatema lo que hasta ayer era dogma (la autorregulación global y la eficiencia de los mercados), mientras q
Como se desprende de la gr
Como se desprende de la gráfica 3, el esfuerzo de ajuste fiscal a partir de 2016 deberá ser muy grande, ya que un año después de la reforma energética de 2008, basada en leyes secundarias, que incluyó el relajamiento de la Ley Federal de Presupuesto y Responsabilidad Hacendaria en materia de manteni
Deducci n La pol tica impositiva garantiza una
Deducción. La política impositiva garantiza una distribución equitativa del ingreso corriente. Dato. En México el primer decil de la población con los menores ingresos mantiene el 2% del ingreso corriente y el décimo decil de la población cuenta con el 34% de éste. Inducción(Hipótesis). En México
For the construction of the
For the construction of the econometric model, it is assumed that at time t a worker must choose to change firms between t and t+1, with the option of three types of mobility plus the option of stay on the job, as described by the dependent variable of the model, mob: Therefore, the mobility of wor
Introduction In fact wealth has mainly
Introduction In fact, wealth has mainly been a subject of microeconomics, welfare theory or fiscal policy, where the personal distribution of income matters. One of Piketty\'s (2014) main contributions has been to lpa receptor the two themes, i.e. income share and wealth distribution, into a macro
br Materials and Methods br
Materials and Methods Results Discussion Our previous studies in mice with germline or induced ablation of SHIP1 expression suggested that chemical inhibition of SHIP1 in vivo might recapitulate genetic phenotypes that reduce the immune barrier to allogeneic HSCT and or enhance mobilization
HPV types and which are believed to have a
HPV types 6 and 11, which are believed to have a low risk, are the most common causes of genital warts. By contrast, HPV types 31, 33, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, and 59 are considered to have an intermediate level of risk. These types cause squamous intraepithelial neoplasia and are considered less common
The use of BPs in malignancy has been
The use of BPs in malignancy has been increasing. A previous in vitro study revealed that the antitumor effect of BPs for breast cancer FK866 was equal or even superior to that of docetaxel. In addition, as we previously reported, BPs modified the production of chemokines from M2 macrophages, whic
In order to investigate the properties of HEL
In order to investigate the properties of HEL of alumina under shocked loading, the HELs of tested alumina were plotted against the thicknesses of samples in Fig. 4. It is found that HEL of alumina decreases with the increase in sample thickness, which is termed as the elastic precursor decay. This
Sin embargo la figura m s
Sin embargo, la figura más precaria y marginal es la del hijo que, por su condición larvaria y su habla atrofiada, es quien provoca el quiebre y la resistencia a esta vigilancia extrema. Este hijo no puede pertenecer al mundo normal del modelo de Occidente, afirmando que “mi lengua es tan difícil qu
zip inhibitor br Acknowledgments Bal zs Danyi author of Figs
Acknowledgments Balázs Danyi, author of Figs. 4, 5, and 7. This work was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences under Grant Bolyai [number BO/00162/13/6]. Introduction: contextualizing Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Building on the ethos of the University of Strathclyde as “a place of use
br Conclusion A hybrid technique combining Dynesys stabiliza
Conclusion A hybrid technique combining Dynesys stabilization and interbody fusion can achieve successful interbody fusion, and maintain ROM in the bridged segment and thus improve clinical outcomes. However, it may decrease ROM in the global segment and cause hypermobility in the adjacent segmen
The second cell type appeared to
The second cell type appeared to be a cardiac mesenchymal/fibroblast-like cell that was CD90+/ISL1low/Periostinhi and capable of forming SMCs and ECs and partial differentiation into cardiac protein-expressing cells without sarcomere formation. CD90+ clones demonstrated higher expression of fibrobla
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