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The district specific estimates of effectiveness figure incl
The district-specific estimates of effectiveness (figure 1) include infections averted in all population subgroups over the first 4 years, even for districts without surveys of men who have sex with men and the general population, and the state-level and overall proportion of infections averted acro
Villoro cuestiona la forma incorrecta en que es presentada
Villoro cuestiona la forma incorrecta en que es presentada la relación entre estos derechos como dos sujetos confrontados, en tanto que opina que no existe un sujeto colectivo en el mismo sentido que lo es el sujeto individual, sólo éste es intencional, el colectivo no es un ente que exista sin la p
De ser posible esta marcaci n temporal
De ser posible esta marcación temporal, ¿no se correría el riesgo de fragmentar el pensamiento del autor? Por el contrario, si se contemplara todo el contenido de las obras de Morin con sus ideas de la complejidad, ¿no se asumiría el riesgo de globalizar y forzar su pensamiento? El propio Morin se h
A preserva o da ideia
A preservação da ideia de família tradicional tornou-se uma das principais demandas desses representantes. Neste sentido, o Projeto de Lei n° 6583 de 2011, conhecido como Estatuto da Família, almeja o reconhecimento (pelo Estado) da família como uma entidade formada apenas por um homem, uma mulher e
While immunogenic action of langerhans cells had thoroughly
While immunogenic action of langerhans vasopressin receptor antagonists had thoroughly been illustrated, their tolerogenic action is still being in its infancy stage. Ralph. M. Steinman shared the Nobel Prize in 2011 for his work on dendritic cells and their role in immunity. He uncovered the role
SB202190 In Taiwan the crude incidence
In Taiwan, the crude incidence rate of colorectal cancer among male and female populations increased from 49.98 to 69.90, and 39.48 to 51.36 per 100,000 people, respectively, during the SB202190 between 2006 and 2011. The observed 2-year survival rates of colon cancer in 2004–2006, 2007–2009 and 20
br Materials methods br Results br Discussion The general st
Materials-methods Results Discussion The general statement that can be concluded from the studies comparing the utility of 18F–NaF PET or PET/CT with 99mTc- MDP whole body bone scintigraphy is that 18F–NaF PET/CT generally has a higher sensitivity and specificity than bone scan. Higher upta
e1 ubiquitin The National Family Health Survey of
The National Family Health Survey of India emphasises the need to hydrate children who have diarrhoea, but there is no evidence to show that such an intervention in the home setting improves mortality. The eight out of ten practitioners who are unaware of childhood pneumonia symptoms in the developi
La imagen de Calanchina publicada en la
La imagen de Calanchina publicada en la Revista Alero fue el esquema que se utilizó para éste y otros murales, completando la transferencia con la interpretación de los jóvenes desde su postura ideológica. Si bien es un homenaje AICAR Robin, contiene referencia a la lucha popular, como fue señalado
El texto tiene seis grandes
El texto tiene seis grandes secciones KY02111 las que se suman el “propósito y los agradecimientos” y dos índices. En la introducción, León Frías problematiza la noción de , la cual agrupa un conjunto principalmente heterogéneo de películas; para el autor esta denominación se populariza a finales de
br Discussion The mechanism of
Discussion The mechanism of verapamil-sensitive ILVT has been suggested as re-entry with an excitable gap and a slow conduction, because the VT can be induced, entrained, and terminated by programmed ventricular or atrial stimulation [1–6]. In addition, previous studies have suggested that the re
OSA is a risk factor for hypertension and stroke in
OSA is a risk factor for hypertension and stroke in particular [6,7]. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment reduces deaths and cardiovascular events, and improves hypertension control [8,9]. The role of CPAP therapy on the treatment of cardiac arrhythmia is still limited. Here, we rep
br Material and methods br Results br Discussion br
Material and methods Results Discussion Conclusions Conflict of interest Introduction Scoliosis forms a complex curve in all three planes, not only in the coronal plane, leading to deformities caused by the self-rotating movement of the spine [1]. Spinal anomalies may impair cardio
Moving forward we identify several urgent needs
Moving forward, we identify several urgent needs and challenges. First, the standing of ryanodine health workers in the health-care systems needs to be legitimised and moved away from largely grant-funded temporary employees or volunteers who might provide educational services towards skilled membe
El intelectual chileno Felipe Rivas San Mart n
El intelectual chileno, Felipe Rivas San Martín, advertido de las críticas tyrosine kinase inhibitors la globalización del término, describe dos modos en los que la teoría queer se usa en Latinoamérica. Por un lado: Reflexiones finales En la época pos-Stonewall el mercado ha aceptado ciertas ide
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